We are songwriters in and around Flagstaff, Arizona.

We meet monthly to share our new original material.
(If we have no new material, we share our old material.)
Illustration © Matthew Henry Hall

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Morning Sunrise

There will be no regular Song Circle meeting this month.

However, here's a Christmas gift from member Irl Wilson; a song he presented at our November meeting.

I don't know how many Song Circle members identify as Christians, but I think we know good song when we hear one.

Christmas Morning Sunrise
Irl Wilson © 2009

The first light in that eastern dawn shone on the world with bitter scorn.
People felt his heavy hand as mighty Caesar taxed the land.
Then Joseph went to Bethlehem with Mary by his side, and she with child
And in the manger where He went, watching was the angel sent.

Alleluia... alleluia.. alleluia... Christ is born.

As shepherds tended flocks by night ,the angel came in a heavenly light
"Do not fear for unto you, is born this day a savior who is Christ, the Lord."
Suddenly a multitude; a heavenly host were singing praise.
"Glory be to God on high, peace on earth good will to men."

Alleluia... alleluia... alleluia... Christ is born.

See you all next year.


  1. Irl Wilson is the real deal glad to have know him since about 1989...

  2. What a beautiful song...and songwriter!
